C2C#022: Read TSF Annual Report 2022
How did we work towards our vision in 2022? Discover all of TSF's actions in 2022, with data, pictures and testimonies, in our new annual report.
How did we work towards our vision in 2022? Discover all of TSF's actions in 2022, with data, pictures and testimonies, in our new annual report.
TSF's actions in 2022 to achieve our goal: helping people in humanitarian crises through communication and information.
World Refugee Day: reconnecting with the world and fighting online misinformation. Also this week: struggle with an app at the US-Mexico border, and a deadly shipwreck off Greece.
Abril ensures the Information Diffusion project in Latin America for asylum seekers meets its goals. She shares with us her background, her insights and the context of her mission.
How does an NGO use Oxfam's inclusive language guide? TSF shares 3 things they find interesting in the guide. Also this week: localisation, gender biases and Ukraine dam.
How does climate change affect humanitarian situations, and how technology can support resilience to climate-related events?
The climate crisis is a humanitarian crisis, and technology can offer innovations to be more resilient in our response to climate change.
Witness to crisis after crisis, NGO workers are particularly vulnerable to mental health issues. What can be done to help them? Also this week: meet Emmanuel, head of communications at TSF. How do you get into the humanitarian sector?
Meet Emmanuel, TSF's communications manager. He has been working for TSF for 10 years, starting as a telecom engineer. He shares with us the role of the communication department in the NGO and reflects on the humanitarian sector, from the challenges he faces to what keeps him going.