World Telecom Day: What Is The Impact Of Telecommunications On Humanitarian Work?
From radio to telemedicine, we trace back how technology can be used to help in humanitarian situations.
From radio to telemedicine, we trace back how technology can be used to help in humanitarian situations.
TSF’s technical team shares its expertise and 5 essential points to consider in order to provide quality connectivity in humanitarian settings.
Centre for Humanitarian Action researcher Andrea Düchting gives an interview to Call to Comms on how humanitarian organizations can use digital technology to improve the participation of affected populations.
Why is free software important in humanitarian missions? How does TSF use it?
Find out why free software is more widespread than you might think, and why it's useful for humanitarians.
How does a technical NGO choose which equipment to deploy for emergency connectivity? 6 things to consider.
Satellites provide a number of critical services for humanitarian missions. Here are the basics of the different satellite types and orbits that are useful during humanitarian missions.
This week we look at how technology can be used to prevent humanitarian crisis and the role of satellite technology in bridging the digital divide.
A third of the world's population still lacks internet access, with low-to-middle-income countries in the Global South facing the greatest barriers. Fortunately, advances in satellite technology are helping solve the problem.