
Partner Since: 2000

Inmarsat are TSF's first satellite communication partner. Their satellite communications network was started to protect lives at sea, and grown to touch many critical sectors, including humanitarian aid. 

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In the 20 plus years that I've worked with TSF, their compassion twinned with their enormous experience in the field has inspired not only me, but our entire organization at Inmarsat. It's a true partnership and we're delighted to support them.

Mrs. Alison Horrocks - Senior Vice-President, Inmarsat


Partner Since: 2003

AT&T is the world's largest telecommunications company by revenue and third largest provider of mobile telephone services in the USA an we're proud to have been supported by them since 2003 - 20 years this year.

Learn more about TSF + AT&T


Partner Since: 2007

Eutelsat is one of the leading operators in the commercial satellite business and have been partners with TSF for over 15 years. They have 34 satellites and can reach up to 150 countries and principally supply satellite capacity and services for video, broadband, data, mobility and government usage. 

Learn more about TSF + Eutelsat
When Télécoms Sans Frontières deploys to the field, our entire company is behind them.

Mr. Michel Chabrol - Former Senior Vice President New TV Formats, Eutelsat SA

PCCW Global

Partner Since: 2008

PCCW Global is a leading telecommunications provider, offering the latest voice and data solutions to multi-national enterprises and communication service providers.

Learn more about TSF + PCCW Global

Communauté d'agglomération de Pau

Partner Since: 2009

TSF has been based in Pau since its creation and is extremely proud of it's Béarnaise heritage.

Learn more TSF + Pau

Capacity Media

Partner Since: 2012

Through their magazine and 24 large scale global events (Capacity Europe, International Telecoms Week, etc) Capacity Media leads the way in providing news and events in the telecommunications wholesale carrier and service provider marketplace. Besides their monetary support, they have been instrumental in amplifying our message through their media and events portfolio.

Learn more about TSF + Capacity
We are proud of our partnership with Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF), which we have had since 2012. That we can in our small way help, by promoting and supporting the selfless work of TSF, is something we celebrate and of which we are extremely proud.

Ms. Rosalind Irving - CEO, Capacity Media

Friends of TSF

Partner Since: 2012

Friends of Telecoms Without Borders is a US based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports the mission of TSF.

Learn more about TSF + Friends of TSF

Evox Trading

Partner Since: 2015

Evox Trading is an international Volp carrier based in Paris, France. It's a highly respected player in the carrier industry and has been a partner of TSF since 2015.

Learn more about Evox Trading

Thales Solidarity

Partner Since: 2016

TSF is extremely grateful to be one of the recipients of the Thales' payroll giving programme since 2016.

Learn more about TSF + Thales Solidarity

Digital Bridge

Partner Since: 2019

Digital Bridge is one of the world's largest dedicated digital infrastructure firms and invests across the five key verticals (data centres, cell towers, fiber networks, small scells and edge infrastructure), managing $65 billion on behalf of its limited partners and shareholders. TSF is extremely fortunate to have Digital Bridge as a partner since 2019.

Learn more about TSF + Digital Bridge


Partner Since: 2021

EXA is the largest dedicated digital infrastructure platform connecting Europe and North America. They have been a partner of TSF since 2021.

Learn more about TSF + EXA

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