Our team in Ukraine focuses on providing connectivity to shelters for Internally displaced people in Ukraine. But what does it entail on a day-to-day basis? Ihor, an ICT specialist in Ukraine, explains what his everyday actions are.
Also this week: an interview with TSF's partner DigitalBridge.
Using technology to provide humanitarian support in Ukraine
How can TSF meet humanitarian communication needs in Ukraine? What needs to be done so that Ukrainians who were forced to move away from their home and loved ones can find support, information, and education online?
In shelters for displaced Ukrainians, there might not always be Internet provided, whether due to lack of infrastructure, equipment, or a not strong enough connection. Paying for 4G is possible for some, but it can put a serious strain on the family’s budget.
Ihor, an ICT specialist in Ukraine, joined TSF in 2022. Part of his job, especially at the beginning, was to train NGOs in the use of telecommunications so that they could coordinate and organize their relief efforts. Today, to help Ukrainian people, Ihor primarily works with shelters.
How a typical day might go
2. Once he finds a shelter that needs help with their connectivity, Ihor does their examination: determining how he can help, what is already available, and what equipment he might need.
3. Then, he works with the local Internet providers to see how a connection can be installed in this new center or to check or repair already existing installations in other centers.
4. Finally, he can configure and prepare equipment in the office to get ready to launch the system when he’ll be able to install it in the center.
His days can also be spent tackling technical challenges, traveling to install connections, and working in tandem with the IT team at TSF headquarters to ensure that connectivity works well in this humanitarian situation.

This week, hear from one of TSF's partners, DigitalBridge, who shares their views on supporting an NGO, digital inclusion, and how digital technology can help tackle climate, social and economic challenges.
See you next week!

Member discussion